Our third project had the theme of Ecology, right up my alley! After thinking through several ideas I decided upon mushrooms, otherwise known as funguses. The damp weather we've had this summer has proven to be the perfect situation for the growth of funguses. I had seen them in a number of places around the areas that I frequent and so it was an adventure to see them close up. I read about the many faces that fungi present in articles on line, including Wickipedia, Cornell University, and www.ucmp.berkeley and look forward to finding out more information about this fascinating subject.
Our third project had the theme of Ecology, right up my alley! After thinking through several ideas I decided upon mushrooms, otherwise known as funguses. The damp weather we've had this summer has proven to be the perfect situation for the growth of funguses. I had seen them in a number of places around the areas that I frequent and so it was an adventure to see them close up. I read about the many faces that fungi present in articles on line, including Wickipedia, Cornell University, and www.ucmp.berkeley and look forward to finding out more information about this fascinating subject.